There are few places on Earth where people are significantly healthy.
They are:
Bilcabamba, Peru, Ands
Vilcabamba, Ecuador, Ands
Abkhasia’s people in Caucasus region of southern Russia
Hunza is a mountainous valley in the Gilgit–Baltistan region of Pakistan
Okinawa Islands, Water Rich In Coral Calcium Powder Minerals

Okinawa Longevity Secret?
Ancient Chinese legends already called Okinawa “the land of the immortals.”
Okinawa Island in Japan is famous for the longest disability-free life expectancy in the world
Significantly lower risk of heart attack and stroke, cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer. Some in their 90’s can honestly vouch that they still have an active sex life.
Nothing special between Islanders and Japanese. The same life style, same diet.
Living and active 100 year sold unusual and met nowhere else.
Secret to Okinawa longevity is basic of 4 Steps To Health philosophy.
More than 6 Million People in 38 countries All over the World are now using 4 Steps To Health Approach.
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