Benefits of Alkaline Water.

The “alkaline” in alkaline wаtеr rеfеrѕ tо іtѕ pH lеvеl. Thе рH lеvеl is a number thаt measures hоw асіdіс оr alkaline a substance іѕ оn a ѕсаlе of 0-14. For еxаmрlе, something wіth a рH оf 1 would be vеrу асіdіс, and ѕоmеthіng wіth a pH оf 13 wоuld be vеrу аlkаlіnе. Alkaline wаtеr…

Are You Dehydrated?

In today’s society it has been many times confused with other health complaints. Dehydration it is a condition where more fluids, mostly water, is being lost from our body than being taken in. Our body excretes from 2 to 3 liters (67-101 oz.) per day. Where 1,5 l (50 oz) we urinate, 0,5 l (17…

Why Water?

Water is essential to our life. Scientists looking for life on another planets, first are looking for water presents on it. They know that without water, there can be no life. It is only substance on Earth which exists in three physical states in the same time. It can be found all over the world.…